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Hospitality Support Initiative Application

Program Guidance 

Hospitality/Tourism Infrastructure: 

  • Funding is available for non hotel business within the hospitality sector (Restaurants, banquet facilities, sporting facilities, arts and culture) 
  • Only capital improvements are eligible 

Please provide the information listed below with your application 

1. Project Description: Please provide a detailed narrative of the proposed Project. Please separately attach the description and any copies of site plans, sketches or maps. This narrative should include but is not limited to:

  • Description of the applicants background, customers, business
  • Economic benefits to the community that may occur as a result of this project, such as the impact on the tourism/hospitality sector
  • A description of notable investments in the business that have recently occurred
  • Potential future investments that a successful project outcome or business growth could lead to

2. Project Financials:

  • Please attach a project budget
  • Please attach a document demonstrating how the project budget is being funded
  • Please attach a New York State Certificate of Good Standing –

ATTACHING DOCUMENTS – Please provide corresponding documents in PDF format directly to