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About Us

Building a Better Community Through Business

The Onondaga County Office of Economic Development is a collaborative organization that provides information and services to relocating companies, expanding companies and local businesses. It is our goal to improve and grow the physical, financial and human infrastructure in Onondaga County, improving the area’s ability to retain and recruit businesses.

The Office is responsible for the management of the Onondaga County Industrial Development Agency (OCIDA), the Onondaga Civic Development Corporation (OCDC), and the Trust for Cultural Resources of the County of Onondaga (CRT).

Every program and service that we offer is designed to build a more vibrant, thriving community. Please browse our website or contact us to learn more about how we can help you.

The staff of the Office of Economic Development is available to discuss doing business in Onondaga County anytime!

How Can We Help?

Robert M. Petrovich


Nate Stevens

Deputy Director

Leonard Rauch

Economic Development Specialist

Alexis Rodriguez

Economic Development Specialist

McKenna Moonan

Program Analyst

Robert Schoeneck

Senior Economic Development Specialist