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Do Business Here

Why Syracuse and Onondaga County?

Onondaga County is a great place to do business alongside other strong enterprises. We have a strong economy, a talented workforce and a vibrant community. We also offer a variety of incentives and resources to help businesses grow and succeed as part of the Onondaga County comeback story. We have:

  • A strong economy: Onondaga County has a diverse economy with a strong manufacturing base. We are also home to several major corporations, including Amazon, JMA Wireless and Welch Allyn.
  • A variety of incentives and resources: Onondaga County offers a variety of incentives and resources to help businesses grow and succeed. These include tax breaks, lending and technical assistance.
  • A talented workforce: Onondaga County has a highly-skilled workforce with the strong work ethic that is our hallmark. We also have a high concentration of colleges and universities that provide a steady stream of new graduates.
  • A vibrant community: Onondaga County is a great place to live, work and raise a family. We have a variety of cultural attractions, a vibrant downtown and great schools.

Ready to grow in Onondaga County? Let’s do business!